
Eugenia Afanador is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Certified Hypnotherapist. Her formal education and life experiences have provided Eugenia with skills to help clients with issues related to their physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual imbalances. She helps individuals
to identify the nature of the barriers that prevent them
from finding the true meaning of life and living.
Eugenia helps the client discover and validate the
subconscious mind to reach a flow of
.  Read more!

About Marlene and Me

Ever since Eugenia Afanador was four years old, she was haunted by disturbing memories of having lived other lives in other lands and centuries. It was only after many decades of experience and study in this lifetime that she gradually learned how to process both the pain and the wisdom of those memories. Read more!

Violencia Y Amor

¡Amor y Exito!Muchas veces, en la sociedad actual y a lo largo de la historia registrada hemos escuchado y visto casos de violencia doméstica. Este fenómeno no solo se refiere al maltrato hacia las mujeres. También existen casos donde los hombres son abusados. Sin...

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Love and Violence

Partnership and Success! Many times, in today’s society and throughout recorded history we have heard and seen cases of domestic violence. This phenomenon not only refers to abuse towards women. It could be also abused towards...

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Greek Mythology

Espanol After a delightful vacation in Greece, and several decades of not visiting that enchantingcountry, I was able to use the maturity that time and living have granted me to discern themeaning of the Greek gods. Walking up to the top of the Acropolis and being...

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(713) 557-0140